In this part of our web page we want to offer you information about our training programs, which are:
CAMIT - Cross-Cultural Missionary Training
SEAP – Seminario Evangélico de la Amazonía Peruana
CAMIT: A call from God to the jungle!
CAMIT description:
The Fraternity of Associations of Native Evangelical Churches of the Peruvian Amazon (FAIENAP), seeing the need to orient and train men and women called to work in the ethnic groups of the Amazon, offers the Transcultural Missionary Training Program (CAMIT). It is designed to offer a cross-cultural training with an Amazonian approach; providing academic and practical courses, in order to make the mission to the Amazonian indigenous populations more understandable and effective. It is also an integral formation since it will provide the current or future missionary with knowledge and tools that will form his character and will be useful in his service to God. The program will be given in the reality of the jungle and the native communities
CAMIT is not a missionary agency and does not intend to replace the church in its missionary work. Neither is it a biblical institute, but it is complementary to the theological and missiological preparation.
The structure of CAMIT is simple, agile and functional which allows that the acquired knowledge can be easily applied to the reality of work in the native communities. The courses are offered in 2 intensive modules, which allows the student to complete the training in just 2 months.
CAMIT more than a training is an experience of missionary life that is offered from the academic courses and the coexistence in the base of FAIENAP until concluding with the experience in a real native community.

Next CAMIT: From January 3 to February 29, 2020